Sunday, January 20, 2013

2012's Pic-a-Day Countdown

Last January 1st, as part of my resolution to find more ways to be creative, I embarked on a year-long journey through my Pic-a-Day project. 366 pictures, 240 blog posts and 1 year later, that project is complete. Originally I latched on to the idea as a way to make 2012 memorable. Memorable it was and will always be. What I didn't foresee was that one picture per day would force me to reflect upon how I spend my time. On some days I'd have 30 pictures to choose from, while on others I'd scramble around at 11:50pm, looking for something representative of my day to take a photo of. It was on those days that I realized I spend a lot of time doing nothing!

No matter whether a day's picture represented something special or something mundane, I tried to stay true to the project. What resulted is a 2012 calendar of memories, each day distinct from all others. Some days were great, and some days were really, really hard. 12:12 on the 12th stressed me out EVERY month, especially when the 12th fell on a weekday and I was again at my desk job, looking for something interesting that wouldn't be a lie. Yet, I think that particular project add-on satisfied my number craziness for a lifetime.

Before I can truly close the book on 2012 and look toward 2013, I thought I'd make one last picture post. It's a countdown that reflects not only the the highs, but some of the lowest lows.

12 Most Memorable Days from 2012

#1 - January 15th (Pic 15): Poop premiered, signifying my film career debut!

#2 - March 18th (Pic 78): Took my first photography class, slightly justifying my fancy camera.

#3 - April 4th (Pic 95): Left work early to go on an epic date with Mike... Titanic 3D! I'll never let go.

#4 - May 12th (Pic 133): 12:12 on the 12th, in Italy. Felt like going home with these girls. 

#5 - May 23rd (Pic 144): Broke my foot (again).

#6 - July 7th (Pic 189): Got to frolic in the family vineyards in West Field.  

#7 - August 31st (Pic 244): The wall came down! And suddenly we have a huge, bright apartment. 

#8 - September 17th (Pic 261): Went to San Francisco on business, but fit in a lot of fun :). 

#9 - September 22nd (Pic 266): Mike and Manny got hitched! 

#10 - October 30, 2012 (Pic 304): The day after Sandy, stranded at home due to no subway/bus service, we realized just how lucky we were, and how unlucky many others had been. 

#11 - November 5th (Pic 310): Said goodbye to Franny Pants. No doubt the hardest day of 2012. 

#12 - December 12th (Pic 347): 12:12:12 on 12/12/12! An epic date and wonderful birthday, spent with good friends and dear family. 

Exhausting though it was at times, I'm so so so glad I took and completed the pic-a-day challenge. A coffee table book of all the pictures, posts and comments is in the works, and then this year will truly be a wrap. 

So what's in store for 2013? No more pic per day, though I've been contemplating a pic per month. I have 11 more days to decide for sure :). As far as resolutions go, this year I've resolved to not be afraid of change. I've resisted change in several parts of my life for years now, and it's time to stop holding on. So I'm dropping the reigns, and ready to see where life takes me! 

Happy 2013, everyone!