Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Wait for it...

DONE! A giant project has been laid to rest, and I feel...

Too tired to make a prettier picture. 

Monday, January 30, 2012

Separation Anxiety

Went far too long without sleep. So excited to see bed. Yay.

This is exactly what it looks like and nothing more.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Allen the Alligator

Pic #29 - 1/29/12

Amusement is easy to come by when you have done nothing but work all weekend.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Posse Pic

Posse pics are always the best. Especially in mirrors when we all look in different directions.

Pic #27 - 1/27/12

Posse di Sei!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Oh. Em. Gee. It's a Jonas Brother!

FINALLY broke my no-Broadway-in-what-seems-like-Forever streak and went to see a show tonight. While I'm a little sad I didn't get to see Harry Potter with an American accent in How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, I have to say, Joe Nick Jonas might be my new boy crush. He was delightful, unlike the family of six in front of us who thought they were in their living room. 

Pic #26 - 1/26/2012

Nick and I hitchhiking. I'd pick us up - we're pretty cute.

And no, for anyone who is seriously judging me right now, we did not stage-door. The line was too long...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I could eat a cake pop...

Pic #25 - 1/25/12

Treats in the form of cake pops arrived at work today for the marketing team. Thanks, Tracy! Red Velvet - t'was delicious. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Who's this guy?

Ohhhhh bummer. If you were hoping I'd answer that question, you'll be sorely disappointed. I arrived early to class and wasted about 10 minutes staring at this dude in the CW Post library. Since that's the longest I've been able to focus on anything all day, naturally he is my pic of the day. Any guesses on who he is?

Pic #24 - 1/24/12

Someone loved him enough to make this beautiful piece of art...

Also, driving to and from C.W. Post today allowed me to re-learn three things about myself: 

  1. I talk to myself a lot when I'm alone. A lot. 
  2. I cannot get enough pop music, but only when it is pumping through a car radio. 
  3. After 8 years in NY, the skyline still takes my breath away. 
And I announced each of them out loud as they occurred to me. 

I also learned something in class, which is that I spend a considerable amount of time genuinely concerned the people around me can my read my thoughts. 

So...can you? 


P.S. Happy Birthday, Mom!!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

This is all I've got for Monday.

Today was the first day I completely forgot about 'Pic A Day' until the alert that I set reminded me.  I also promised myself I would not fill my blog with pictures of my cats, who I think are the most adorable, fuzzy, freaky cats in the world...but every now and then, you're gonna get a kitty pic :) - If for no other reason than I forgot to take a pic of anything else. I'm actually pretty proud I made it all the way to January 23rd. 

Pic #23 - 1/23/12
Franny and Zooey (yes they are named after the Salinger book...yes I'm a nerd) using the tub faucet as their personal water fountain. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Happy Birthday, Meghan!

Pic #22 - 1/22/12

Birthday girls ALWAYS get cake! Happy Birthday, Roomie :). 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

First Snow of 2012!

I've already dedicated this Saturday to work, so it's appropriate that the weather is urging me to stay inside. Let. It. Snow.

Pic #21 - 1/21/12

First snow in NYC in 2012, taken from 116th and Park, looking East. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

You Have Your Baby, I have Mine.

Pic #20 - 1/20/12

Today was a long, ho-hum day. Like most other Fridays, Rebekkah and I were at the office well passed go-home time. And feeling silly. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Happy Birthday, Dad!

So technically, Dad's birthday was yesterday. I thought it would be fun to video chat for his birthday celebration, but we couldn't get the whole fam together until 11:45 pm. If you're looking for a good time, ask my parents to video chat and then watch as hilarity ensues. By the time we wrapped up the singing, the presents, and the cake (torture: watching virtual people eat ice cream cake while all you have is gum), it was passed midnight. That qualifies this as my pic of the day!

Pic #19 - 1/19/12

21st-century Baideme family portrait! 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Magnet Mischief

Pic #18 - 1/18/12

Someone's been playing with the magnets on my fridge!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday Bluesday.

Crazy busy weird rainy long tiring day! Began at the eye doctor's...as every Tuesday for the last month has. Then of course, Tuesday-Mondays at work after a 3-day weekend are always stupid. And finally, had to cart myself out to CW Post on Long Island for my first grad class of the semester. It actually would have been quite a simple drive, if it weren't for the 8 million other people trying to commute in the same lane as me.


Pic #17 - 1/17/12

Cool stairs in CW Post's library. 

Bonus Pics:

I've never stepped foot in LIU's library before, but while searching and searching and searching for my classroom, I walked by this lovely poster...that I made! Yes...It was for a Bulletin Board contest last semester on their Westchester Campus. My professor must have taken it back to homebase to show off :). I mean, wouldn't you? It's flippin' fantastic. Fun times! 

This picture does not do justice to the traffic I endured. Wanda (my GPS - I wanda where I'm going?) quote: "Continue on I-495 for 15.5 miles. Traffic congestion ahead for 15.5 miles." She was not kidding. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

A Magical Lazy Day

Pic #16 - 1/16/2012

Made it a goal to have a work party and watch all 8 Harry Potter movies. I'm currently on the 7th. Work is also happening...sort of :). 

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Oh heyyyyyy - Did I mention I'm in a movie? I'm in a movie. And it's called Poop. It's a poop movie! A movie about poop. Okay, it's more about people finding poop than about the poop itself. Well, it's about the people who find the poop, trying to figure out who's the pooper-traitor. And while the people in the movie try to find the pooper, I brilliantly walk by in the background a few times, attempting to look like I belong there. Long story short (and it's short - only 18 minutes!) - you gotta see it.  It premiered today in the East Village, but may end up out in the festival universe or online sometime soon. Watch the trailer here: http://www.poopmovie.com/

Pic #15 - 1/15/2012

That's right - Extra #1 in the short film Poop, written and directed by Michael Schaubach, husband of friend and co-worker Rebekkah Schaubach. Personally, I feel it's my best work yet. 

Also had a lovely brunch today at my fave spot, Bubby's, where my buddy Zack works. 

Bonus Pics: 

Almost didn't make my Pic of the day - but it's still January 15th for another 42 minutes! So yay. Goodnight world!


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Good Deeds are FUN

A few weeks ago I ransacked my bedroom closet in my parents house and filled about four large bags of clothes for goodwill. Some of the stuff in there had known me since high school - it wasn't pretty. When I got back to NY I was inspired to do the same thing with my apartment closet, and filled another 2 bags. Suffice it to say I no longer have any clothes. Today my friend Tara was of the same mind, so we loaded up her bags and schlepped them through East Harlem to a donation bin. Exciting - I KNOW! 

Pic #14 - 1/14/2012

Look at all that loot! Tara was a little heart-broken, perhaps.

Bonus Pic:


Friday, January 13, 2012

Good Things Come in Weird Boxes

Sometimes when you work in marketing...you get random promotional items sent to you at work. Today, this happened:

Pic # 13 - 1/13/2012: 

Truck Box!! 

And even better, check out the goods inside: 

I am SO lucky.


Thursday, January 12, 2012


Today was the first 12th of 2012, and as promised, I took a picture of what I happened to be doing at 12:12 pm. Unfortunately for me and all of you, this is terribly unexciting (and what I'm usually doing at 12:12 every day).

Pic #12 - 1/12/12

Before you say what I know you're thinking, taking a picture was not the only thing I had accomplished by noon today. I had just finished re-writing all of the outstanding items from my previous list and adding new ones - a neurotic habit that I formed after starting this job. But it works!

And for good measure, I was also on a phone call.

AND! I met Mike and Manny's puppies today! So, if it wasn't a 12:12 day, my pic of the day might have looked more like this:

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Delicious Wednesday.

Pic #11 - 1/11/12

Always happy when Sam hands me a slice - don't even have to go inside! Southeast corner of 116th and Lex. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Oh, Aunt Millie and Aunt Phillie!

Pic #10 - 1/10/12:

Thanks to new roommate Matt's Aunt Millie, we have delicious post-Christmas homemade Italian cookies in the house! 

Monday, January 9, 2012

"Mayans Got Nothing on Lauren"

Pic #9 - 1/9/2012

An exciting day in the world of K12 marketing. The right side is of particular (procrastinating) interest. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Check It

I always feel blue on Sundays. Even when I'm being productive, the more time that passes, the more overwhelmed I feel by the upcoming week. And today was a productive day! Laundry, meal planning, grocery shopping, fridge cleaning, mountain biking (in the comfort of my own home :)), hair straightening, vacation planning...

But for every item checked off my list, there is one left unchecked. I think if I had two Sundays for every Saturday...life would be grand. But then I'd have to redo my 2012 calendar! Which is another thing I checked off today. 

Pic #8 - 1/8/2012:

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Walk in the Park

Pic #7 - 1/7/2012

Thin ice? I'll say! Take that, winter! In Central Park at the Harlem Meer. 

Bonus Pics: September January in the Park

Friday, January 6, 2012

Sunrise, Sunset

Pic #6 - 1/6/2012:

Early AM on 116th Street (Corner of Lexington). 

Bonus Pic:

Early evening over the East River (taken from eChalk).

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Retro Spice

Pic #5 - 1/5/12

My Dad made this adorable spice rack for me for Christmas, and today I loaded it up with the goods. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Being Art.

Pic #4 - 1/4/12

Graffiti appeared on the wall of my building sometime over the holidays. T'was most likely at the hand of a teenager on break from school, angst-ing over "Being." I kind of like it - unless it says "Boing." Then I love it. 

It's probably neither. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

This Project is Bangin'

So here's the thing... It's day three and I'm committed to this Picture a Day project, but I've realized it does not have enough rules to satisfy my compulsive need for structure. Now that I'm looking for interesting things to snap, I'm taking more pictures than I know what to do with. I'm sure it's not surprising (to any of you who have known me for more than 5 minutes) that I'm having trouble choosing just one. Different genres, different moods, some funny, some pretty... what makes the pic of the day?

I had a fleeting poetic thought about taking one picture each day at 12:12 pm. My track record with long term commitments, however, suggests I would not be able to pull this off. For example, I have about eight diaries that all document different Januaries of my youth - the remaining months are a mystery. A goal like the 12:12 timestamp would at least provide some definition for what it is I'm trying to do here...whatever that might be.

Though I've pretty much decided rules will set me up for failure, here are the rules:

  • At least one pic a day for the project to be complete
  • If there are multiple per day, my gut will choose the winner 
  • Pictures can (and will often) be posted without words (you're welcome)
  • Every 12th day of the month, I will take a picture at 12:12 
  • Guest photography is only allowed if I am included in the subject  
  • Requests are allowed 
  • @Betamee will tweet with #PicADay2012
  • I can make new rules whenever I want 
  • At the end, it will be awesome 

And with that, I give you Pic #3 - 1/3/12:

LB with Bangs! Say what? I KNOW. A friend of mine always used to annoyingly say "I'll believe it when I see it!" She never believed anything I said (with good reason, I was usually lying). But even though you're seeing bangs, you should not be believing. I altered my appearance with a technical fold-and-tuck procedure to see what LB with Bangs would look like. And here she is. What do you think, folks - should I go there? I hear it's not easy coming back. 

Bonus pictures: 

After a 10-day holiday hiatus, it was back to reality today. This pic was taken on the downtown 6 track at 96th street after an appointment with a mean eye doctor. 

When I look back at January 3rd, 2012, this friend reunion is what I hope to remember. Aw.

If you have any suggestions for extra project rules, send them my way! In addition to being an undecided liar who can't commit, I also like to steal ideas.